I have designed this page to serve as my training log in order to free myself from the restrictions of the software I have so far been using. Though in the past I have designed plans to prepare for certain triathlons, half and full-Ironman races, ultramarathons and other events, my current training plan is designed around one goal: BUD/S. If anything you see here appears at all random to you, rest assured there is a very specific method to my madness. This plan is a collaboration between myself and my primary training partner, Brian S., and is a culmination of years of experience developing and executing advanced-level training plans designed to produce world-class fitness and performance.

There is no undertaking in the world as comprehensive or demanding as BUD/S. Put simply, you have to be able to do it all, and at an extremely high level of proficiency. BUD/S is not a boot camp; it is a 6 months long endurance test designed to find indestructible men who can do the impossible, and weed out the rest. Only the toughest and fittest applicants the country has to offer even make it in to BUD/S, and once there, 90% routinely fail to survive past the first of three phases. The SEAL Teams have the highest fitness standards of any military unit in the world, and we have developed this plan to prepare ourselves to meet those standards, guided by the uncompromising principles held by those passionate about preparing for war. From here until I ship out to the Navy, there will be no more deliberately easy workouts. I intend to push the envelope in my best effort to become as prepared as possible for the rigors of BUD/S. And seeing as BUD/S is the sole focus of this webpage, I have included some related videos for my motivation and your edification.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


SWIM: Long Distance

Warm-up: 100m freestyle, 50m Combat Side Stroke

Main Set: 3,000m (~2mi) CSS w/fins timed

Time: 51:47 [NEW PR!!!]
Pace: 1:43/100m

500m: 8:18
1000m: 8:42
1500m: 8:42
2000m: 8:48
2500m: 8:39
3000m: 8:36

Notes: As much as I hate swimming distance, this one was pretty easy. Felt like I was asleep for most of it, struggling only not to zone out and forget what lap I was on. Used the heavier rocket fins this time, which didn't attack my feet. I had forgotten what it was like to swim long distance without crippling foot pain. It's kind of nice. We keep crushing our Personal Records on these distance swims, I hope this trend continues!

CLIMB: Sport Rock Alexandria

Went to work on the short-wall 5.9s, which have holds like freakin' 5.12s. Did pretty well, considering.

PT: Upper Body

"Circuit 10"

10 rounds of:
Sub-max set push-ups
Sub-max set abs
Max strict deadhang pull-ups

Notes: Ended up doing just under 350 push-ups, 200 sit-ups plus 150 other abs, and around 88 pull-ups.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Recovery Day

Monday, February 7, 2011


SWIM: Freestyle Technique Re-familiarization

Warm Up: 300m freestyle moderate, 100m Combat Side Stroke, 2x25m underwater

Form focus:

50m catch-up drill

50m freestyle

25m streamline kick drill

25m freestyle

25m streamline kick drill

25m freestyle

50m one-armed drill

50m freestyle

25m streamline kick drill

25m freestyle

25m streamline kick drill

25m freestyle

50m fist-swim drill

50m freestyle

Benchmark Test: 200m freestyle sprint

Notes: Skipped the 1000m set due to being pressed for time to get running. 2:30 on the 200m sprint.

RUN: Long Distance

Distance: 14 miles
Time: 2:33:20
Pace: 10:57/mi

Notes: Ran at Fountainhead, 7 miles out then back with Brian. Hard goddamn place to run. Ran it way too fast, legs definitely not recovered from the leg PT last week. For most of second half, legs were good to go on the flats and descents, but refused to manage anything meaningful on the uphills. Never bonked. Was supposed to be the 18 miles to Bull Run, had to cut it short in order to make it to our lead-climbing class on time tonight. Trail was also muddy/icy/soaked, which made it harder and slower.

CLIMB: Sport Rock Sterling

First night of lead-climbing class. Did a couple easy routes in the class, then a few 5.9s.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


SWIM: Freestyle Technique Re-familiarization

Warm-up: 300m freestyle moderate, 100m combat side stroke, 2x25m underwater

Form Focus:
50m freestyle
50m catch-up drill
50m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle
50m one-arm drill
50m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle
50m fist-swim drill
50m freestyle
100m freestyle

Main Set:
1000m free timed

Time: 14:39
Pace: 1:27/100m

PT: Light Lower Body

50 cycling-specific squats (feet 9 inches apart)
30 supermans
25 lunges left leg
30 supermans
25 lunges right leg
20 hip raises right
20 hip raises left
20 dirty dogs right
20 dirty dogs left

Thursday, February 3, 2011


RUN: Speed Intervals

Notes: Didn't happen. Burke Lake trail was 100% hard ice, as was W&OD. Ran (skated) a half mile before I conceded the run wasn't possible. Was supposed to be a 2 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off anaerobic threshold interval run. Judging by the forecast, it doesn't look like Saturday's aerobic threshold run will be happening either, so I did a heavy leg PT instead.

PT: Lower Body

100 cycling-specific (feet ~9 inches apart) squats
50 supermans
50 lunges left leg
50 supermans
50 lunges right leg
25 hip raises right
25 hip raises left
2:00 plank hold
25 dirty dogs right
25 dirty dogs left
25 mule kicks right
25 mule kicks left

PT: Upper Body

Stew Smith's Super Set Circuit

7 rounds of:

10 pull-ups
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


SWIM: Long Distance

Warm-up: 150m freestyle moderate, 50m Combat-Side Stroke

Distance: 3000m (~2 miles)
Time: 51:40 [NEW PR!]
Pace: 1:43/100m, 8:36/500m

500m: 8:09
1000m: 8:30 (16:39)
1500m: 8:33 (25:13)
2000m: 8:39 (33:52)
2500m: 9:13 (43:06)

Notes: Long distance fin-swim with Brian. Crazy fast. Feet attacked the shit out of me for the second half, slowed me considerably.

LIFT: Upper Body

Bench Press: 205lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps
Lat Pull-Down: 160lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps
Barbell Military Press: 135lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps (went down to 125 for last set)
Upright Row: 80lbs on 20lb bar, 3 sets of 6 reps
Barbell Curl: 80lbs on 20lb bar, 3 sets of 6 reps
Tricep Rope Pull-Down: 80lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps
Trap Y-Raises: 5lb dumbells, 3 sets of 10 reps
Trap T-Raises: 5lb dumbells, 3 sets of 10 reps
Trap Back Raises: 5lb dumbells, 3 sets of 10 reps

CLIMB: Sterling Sport Rock

With no warm-up, sent the red "Stupid Roof" 5.9 on the back wall. Shit was hard and technical. Sent a few more 5.9s, slipped on the last hold on one more due to bad footwork. Sent the crazy brown 5.9, but it smoked my arms and was done after that. The high-wall routes are definitely more technical here than at Alexandria. Signed up for the lead-climbing class, looking forward to it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


SWIM: Freestyle Benchmark Testing

500m timed: 7:06 (1:25/100m pace) [NEW PR!]
100m CSS

Form Drills:
50m freestyle
50m catch-up drill
50m one-arm drill
50m fist-swim drill
50m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle
25m streamline kicking drill
25m freestyle

100m sprint: 1:09 [NEW PR!]
50m sprint: 31sec [Match PR]

Notes: Quick swim to refresh my freestyle form and do some benchmark tests to see where I'm at technique- and speed-wise. Could've gone fast on the 100m sprint, felt like I fell apart the second 50m and shouldn't have switched to unilateral breathing for the last 25m. For the first freestyle-focused swim of the year, pretty pleased with breaking two personal records and feeling strong in the water with fluid form. A good start.

LIFT: Lower Body

Squat: 185lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps
Barbell Calf-Raises: 275lbs, 3 sets of 6 reps
Cable Hip Abductor: 10lbs, 3 sets: 6, 8, 10 reps
Cable Hip Adductor: 10lbs, 3 sets: 6, 8, 10 reps

Notes: Legs still a little sore from the long run yesterday, so skipped the weighted lunges. 185lbs was definitely today's limit for squatting, but would like to try 200 next time.

PT: Pyramid Circuit

Done as a circuit (pull, push, abs, repeat) with minimal rest:

Pull-ups: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Push-ups: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Abs: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

Notes: Push-ups were negatives (body lowered down on a 3-second count, explosive push back up). Abs were an even mixture of sit-ups, cross-legged crunches and 4-count flutter-kicks.


RUN: Long Distance

Distance: 14 miles
Time: 2:11:46
Pace: 9:24/mi

Notes: Long slow distance run with Brian on the 14 mile W&OD loop. Only about 3 miles of the run offered clear pavement, the rest was running over ice and snow which was much more taxing on the legs than normal. Only a little bit off our ideal pace, felt good until the last 2 - 3 miles. Pretty easy aerobically. Legs were a little beat up at the finish, but breathing and heart rate returned to normal almost immediately. Good run to strengthen the stabilizer muscles in the legs and core. Most importantly: NO achilles tendon issues!

CLIMB: Sport Rock

Warmed up with 5 slow fingertip pull-ups, 5 slow pinch pull-ups and 10 strict pull-ups, holding in the up-position for 10 seconds at the end. Continued our mission of sending all the 5.9 routes in the gym, got quite a few done. Bouldered for a while to cap off the night.